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Why Revival Tarries Pdf Free Download

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I would probably give this more of a 4.5, but that isn't an option on Goodreads. This book wasn't what I expected simply due to the fact of who recommended it to me. I have been quite frustrated with organized religion based on the lack of passion that I see in the pews and the fact that so much seems fake. I want a more authentic experience where I'm not simply confined to being a passive bystander in many areas. I believe in the priesthood of all believers, and I'm not very good about being "o I would probably give this more of a 4.5, but that isn't an option on Goodreads. This book wasn't what I expected simply due to the fact of who recommended it to me. I have been quite frustrated with organized religion based on the lack of passion that I see in the pews and the fact that so much seems fake. I want a more authentic experience where I'm not simply confined to being a passive bystander in many areas. I believe in the priesthood of all believers, and I'm not very good about being "obedient" to manmade authorities (especially those that like to point out their seminary training over and over) that I don't believe are following the New Testament Church and/or those that are adding a lot of unncessary tradition to the faith. Therefore, I was expecting this recommendation to be a book that would show me the "error of my ways" and glorify structured religion because it was recommended by a current clergy member. So, I was pleasantly surprised when Ravenhill reprimands the current structure (well, the "current" structure of 1959, but not much has changed). He pleads for more fervent prayer, more meat and less entertainment in preaching, and ministers that are less concerned with having their heads filled with formal training and more concerned with having their hearts on fire. One quote that he included from another person (and these quotes from others are included at the end of each chapter) was from Samuel Chadwick and stated, "The Church that is man-managed instead of God-governed is doomed to failure. A ministry that is college-trained but not Spirit-filled works no miracles." We need the Spirit to be in control again. If you like the viewpoints of Frank Viola and the rest of the more "organic" church folks, you'll like this one. ...more
Feb 02, 2008 rated it liked it
What can I say about Ravenhill? The man is intense! Every page of this book is a hard core challenge to comfortable Christians. He puts his finger on some of the biggest issues of the church, and then presses down hard. Do Christians really care about doing God's work? Are they actually concerned for the lost? Are they willing to do the work of prayer, suffering, and dying to themselves to see revival? As a Christian leader I feel well reprimanded for my lack of prayer, earnestness, and commitme What can I say about Ravenhill? The man is intense! Every page of this book is a hard core challenge to comfortable Christians. He puts his finger on some of the biggest issues of the church, and then presses down hard. Do Christians really care about doing God's work? Are they actually concerned for the lost? Are they willing to do the work of prayer, suffering, and dying to themselves to see revival? As a Christian leader I feel well reprimanded for my lack of prayer, earnestness, and commitment to God's call. Reading Ravenhill is like listening to a prophet. For me it was a much needed kick in the pants.

There are some significant negatives, though. For one, Ravenhill's insights seem true, but his applications can feel legalistic. Yes, it's true that there is an appalling lack of prayer among Christian leaders (myself included). There is far too much emphasis on academic knowledge in church leadership, and not nearly enough on spiritual work. But Ravenhill goes on to say that "ministers who do not spend two hours a day in prayer are not worth a dime a dozen". Really? Two hours? Where is that number coming from? It's a vivid way of making his point, but it also feels legalistic and based on a human attempt to quantify how much time a person needs to pray. The overall point is true, but the specific wording is un-Biblical and unhelpful. Similarly, there's very little sense in his writing of God's grace, or that people go through a process of growth. His method is an in-your-face why-won't-you-pray-more-don't-you-love-the-lost? mentality. I should also mention that he has some strong anti-Catholic sentiments.

So I would say that this book is not for everyone. Even so, and with all its flaws, I found the book to contain some great insights, and helpful in identifying areas where I am deeply in need of spiritual growth. After reading it, I am motivated to pray more, and surrender more of my life and lifestyle to God. The church (especially including myself) really needs the prodding that Ravenhill is attempting to give.

Jan 30, 2012 rated it really liked it
You gotta love Ravenhill's intensity but it is almost exhausting. Reminds me of the drill Sargent gym teacher that was never satisfied with how hard you worked out, even though you were puking. And if it's any consultation, I was a hardcore athlete growing up. So thats the way I picture the comparison but in a spiritual sense.

But truthfully, generally speaking, I feel we are pretty wimpy in our prayer lives. We all could use a kick in the butt to pursue God "harder" or enjoy His presence longer

You gotta love Ravenhill's intensity but it is almost exhausting. Reminds me of the drill Sargent gym teacher that was never satisfied with how hard you worked out, even though you were puking. And if it's any consultation, I was a hardcore athlete growing up. So thats the way I picture the comparison but in a spiritual sense.

But truthfully, generally speaking, I feel we are pretty wimpy in our prayer lives. We all could use a kick in the butt to pursue God "harder" or enjoy His presence longer. I would LOVE to see revival hit the states and Europe, but we all know the simple theological truth, let God be God and let His Holy Spirit do the work. So, this book was definitely challenging and at the same time very encouraging. It will probably spark you to make more effort to be on your knees, that's for sure.

Jul 14, 2008 rated it it was ok
There was a time in my life when I felt personally responsible for bringing about a spiritual revival in the US. I was convinced that if I just managed my time well enough, and had enough intensity in my prayer life, and agonized enough for the lost and blah blah blah, that revival would visit the US. I wore myself out, and gave up. Ironically, I look upon those years of my life as my "wilderness" years. Perhaps these present years are the years when I have relied on the Holy Spirit to convict m There was a time in my life when I felt personally responsible for bringing about a spiritual revival in the US. I was convinced that if I just managed my time well enough, and had enough intensity in my prayer life, and agonized enough for the lost and blah blah blah, that revival would visit the US. I wore myself out, and gave up. Ironically, I look upon those years of my life as my "wilderness" years. Perhaps these present years are the years when I have relied on the Holy Spirit to convict me of sin and righteousness. Mr. Ravenhill's passion exhausts may be spiritual apathy on my part, or it might just be how God made me. In either case, I am thankful for the grace of God that carries both of us. ...more
Sep 04, 2007 rated it it was amazing
Wow, Leonard Ravenill really hits hard with this book and it's so powerful. He brings a much needed word to the people of God about what it means to really pray and to live for Jesus with a fervor that today's church seems to be missing. Deeply challenging but also encouraging to know that God does show up when His people look to Him. I'd reccommend this to anyone who wants to be challenged to grow with Jesus in prayer. Wow, Leonard Ravenill really hits hard with this book and it's so powerful. He brings a much needed word to the people of God about what it means to really pray and to live for Jesus with a fervor that today's church seems to be missing. Deeply challenging but also encouraging to know that God does show up when His people look to Him. I'd reccommend this to anyone who wants to be challenged to grow with Jesus in prayer. ...more
Jun 02, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Years ago I read this book and was stirred, yet some 30 years later I must confess that I am even more deeply moved by this second reading.

Ravenhill has always been viewed as a prophetic voice and the pages of this book confirm this description. His writing is passionate, unconcerned about the audience's comfort and totally fixed on lifting up Jesus (not his own ministry). This is what makes the book so prescient to me at this juncture in life. I'm no longer enamored with achievement; I want aut

Years ago I read this book and was stirred, yet some 30 years later I must confess that I am even more deeply moved by this second reading.

Ravenhill has always been viewed as a prophetic voice and the pages of this book confirm this description. His writing is passionate, unconcerned about the audience's comfort and totally fixed on lifting up Jesus (not his own ministry). This is what makes the book so prescient to me at this juncture in life. I'm no longer enamored with achievement; I want authenticity in my journey with Christ.

If you have that same hunger then ponder these 20 chapters. They are short, sermonic, cutting in their voice and provocative. I stopped several times to repent and felt my spirit lifting to a higher level with each chapter.

I began each morning abiding in the Scriptures and then reading Why Revival Tarries. I appreciate how it underscored my need to be a man of the Word and the Spirit.

Jay Miklovic
This classic book on revival was one that I truly enjoyed and was stirred by the first time I read it. Yet now in my second reading it leaves me scratching my head.

This book has so many great one liners, and Ravenhill's style was fantastic, there is something almost poetic about each of the essays in this book. I enjoyed his word play.

The down side of this book is that it leaves God's hands utterly tied. God is waiting on you to pray, you to preach, you to weep... everything in Ravenhill's theol

This classic book on revival was one that I truly enjoyed and was stirred by the first time I read it. Yet now in my second reading it leaves me scratching my head.

This book has so many great one liners, and Ravenhill's style was fantastic, there is something almost poetic about each of the essays in this book. I enjoyed his word play.

The down side of this book is that it leaves God's hands utterly tied. God is waiting on you to pray, you to preach, you to weep... everything in Ravenhill's theology is contingent on your action as a believer. The cross, the life of Christ, the resurrection all get mentioned plenty of times, but in this book the work that Christ has done FOR YOU gets consumed by all that you should be doing for Him. This book is stirring and I am glad I read it, and Ravenhill certainly called out some of my failings in this book, but this book unfortunately makes it seem that Christ's work itself accomplished nothing more than a mere opportunity for heaven.

I cannot bring myself to give this book less than 3 stars because there were just too many good one liners, at the same time I will not be rushing out to get this book into the hands of others. If you know what you believe and are looking to be stirred give this book a read, yet if you are looking to gain insight and deeper knowledge and love for your Lord, this book is not the place to start.

Jun 11, 2018 rated it it was amazing
It would almost be an injustice to call what I felt in reading this book enjoyment. My personal faithfulness as well as the desire to see the Lord's name, greatness and message spread far and wide were called into question and for good reason. It is very important for us as individuals to take stock of our priorities in life. God's glory must be primary in our lives otherwise, what was all this about.

One thing that stood out is the central place of prayer as we wait for and seek revival. Come lo

It would almost be an injustice to call what I felt in reading this book enjoyment. My personal faithfulness as well as the desire to see the Lord's name, greatness and message spread far and wide were called into question and for good reason. It is very important for us as individuals to take stock of our priorities in life. God's glory must be primary in our lives otherwise, what was all this about.

One thing that stood out is the central place of prayer as we wait for and seek revival. Come lord Jesus, come should be the theme of my song day and night. It should be my greatest desire. The entire time I was going through the section that brought this to light I kept thinking of Keith Green's song, Your Love broke Through. It's opening lines say, 'Make my life a prayer to you, I want to do what you want me to..' My desire must be the same.

Willie Pate
Apr 22, 2014 rated it it was amazing
You know a book is good when it quickens you to prayer. I literally threw this book across the room and got on my face in conviction and a desire to meet the God Ravenhill talks about.
Manuell La
the most dramatic book on revival ever
Kristin Hodge
Apr 01, 2021 rated it it was amazing

Very FIRE & BRIMSTONE way of writing. It was written in 1959 tho. Prepare your heart. He is biblical. Everything is supported by scripture and he does NOT twist it. This book is for those wanting and seeking MORE.

If you're spiritually plateaued. If you've gotten comfortable. If your heart doesn't ACHE for those dying without knowing God. If your spiritual disciplines lack, you'll be convicted or offended.

BEST spirit


Very FIRE & BRIMSTONE way of writing. It was written in 1959 tho. Prepare your heart. He is biblical. Everything is supported by scripture and he does NOT twist it. This book is for those wanting and seeking MORE.

If you're spiritually plateaued. If you've gotten comfortable. If your heart doesn't ACHE for those dying without knowing God. If your spiritual disciplines lack, you'll be convicted or offended.

BEST spiritually pushing read I've ever read. 🔥⛪️💥🙌⚔️🤯🤯🤯

Tim Baumgartner
When I saw an endorsement for this book by one of my favorite writers and thinkers, Ravi Zacharias, saying, "The book that shaped me probably more dramatically than any other book that I have read...," I KNEW I had to read it. So, mission accomplished--this book certainly challenged me as well to get in my prayer closet a la Matthew 6:6. One of the main challenges of the book is that there aren't enough "Paul's" or "Jeremiah's" or "Moses'". Ravenhill wonders, "Where have all the prophets gone?" When I saw an endorsement for this book by one of my favorite writers and thinkers, Ravi Zacharias, saying, "The book that shaped me probably more dramatically than any other book that I have read...," I KNEW I had to read it. So, mission accomplished--this book certainly challenged me as well to get in my prayer closet a la Matthew 6:6. One of the main challenges of the book is that there aren't enough "Paul's" or "Jeremiah's" or "Moses'". Ravenhill wonders, "Where have all the prophets gone?" Too many preachers are using their seminary degrees and material we've learned from dead theologians, but WHERE IS THE CONNECTION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT??? He uses physical illustrations to draw out his points in the spiritual. For example, just as women going through the 9 month struggle and suffering of pregnancy, so us prayer-ers should be struggling and sacrificing ourselves in our prayer closets. We have lost our unction in the Spirit. What's unction in the Spirit, you say? You will KNOW it IF you have it. So again, there are a bunch of challenges and nuggets by which Christ-followers can dwell on to launch themselves onto and into God so He will launch His Spirit upon His creation. Why does revival tarry (delay)? Leonard Ravenhill says the answer is easy...we should ask ourselves, "Why we are not being all God created us to be when we claim we believe Galatians 2:20 to be true?" OUCH! Let's make sure Ravenhill isn't describing us! ...more
Daniel Izzo
Mar 30, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Very powerful, very profound. A man on fire for God speaking into our present need for revival today.
Drew Bennett
It would be easy for me to dismiss this book - for sentences like: "Today we seem much more interested in having churches air-conditioned than prayer-conditioned." It is full of them. (Though that particular one is my favorite!) I honestly can't remember why I chose to read it. There was a surprising recommendation from somewhere.

So, why does revival tarry? Because the Church is without the fire of the Spirit. Why is that? Because "fire begets fire" and her preachers do not preach (and minister

It would be easy for me to dismiss this book - for sentences like: "Today we seem much more interested in having churches air-conditioned than prayer-conditioned." It is full of them. (Though that particular one is my favorite!) I honestly can't remember why I chose to read it. There was a surprising recommendation from somewhere.

So, why does revival tarry? Because the Church is without the fire of the Spirit. Why is that? Because "fire begets fire" and her preachers do not preach (and minister) with fire. And why is that? Because they do not pray. So, the prayer life of the pastor is the key to revival. That is a helpful reminder.

Nathan Farley
This man is convinced of what he writes, that's for sure. He is very serious about prayer and hates that so many people neglect it. The reason I gave this book three stars is because once you've read the first three chapters, you've read the whole book. Don't get me wrong! Those three chapters have great opportunity to change your prayer life. They did mine. However, as a whole, the book could have been condensed quite a lot. This man is convinced of what he writes, that's for sure. He is very serious about prayer and hates that so many people neglect it. The reason I gave this book three stars is because once you've read the first three chapters, you've read the whole book. Don't get me wrong! Those three chapters have great opportunity to change your prayer life. They did mine. However, as a whole, the book could have been condensed quite a lot. ...more
John Rimmer
I bought this book on a whim, simply because it has an endorsement by Ravi Zacharias stamped across the cover, "The book that shaped me probably more dramatically than any other book that I have read..." I found the book to be a very sharp, between the eyes kinda whap! The kind that's meant to wake you up in the midst of an emergency. Good stuff here. I bought this book on a whim, simply because it has an endorsement by Ravi Zacharias stamped across the cover, "The book that shaped me probably more dramatically than any other book that I have read..." I found the book to be a very sharp, between the eyes kinda whap! The kind that's meant to wake you up in the midst of an emergency. Good stuff here. ...more
Aug 23, 2017 rated it really liked it
Even if there are some things you disagree with in this book, time reading it is well spent. It is a book that puts fire in your bones, inspires you, and forces you to make a choice: renew your commitment to the Lord or stagnate where you are. Any book that does that is worth reading!
Steve Hadfield
This was one of the best books I have ever read, but it isn't for those Christians that do not want to be challenged in the complacency in their faith. This was one of the best books I have ever read, but it isn't for those Christians that do not want to be challenged in the complacency in their faith. ...more
Jun 06, 2016 rated it it was amazing
A masterpiece!!!! This book is so convicting. Ravenhill's love for revival can't be overstated, he was a giant of the faith that relayed ultimately on God. A masterpiece!!!! This book is so convicting. Ravenhill's love for revival can't be overstated, he was a giant of the faith that relayed ultimately on God. ...more
David Mah
Jul 20, 2021 rated it really liked it
3.5 Stars

The more christian books I read, the more I find that its not what you know about God, but who God is to you. Many times we rely on books which fill our preaching with borrowed thoughts from the brains of dead men rather than from the Lord. But "The words that I [the Lord] speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).

This book was not gentle. It gives no compromise for slack christian living or any allowance for mediocrity. It challenged me with strong words and call

3.5 Stars

The more christian books I read, the more I find that its not what you know about God, but who God is to you. Many times we rely on books which fill our preaching with borrowed thoughts from the brains of dead men rather than from the Lord. But "The words that I [the Lord] speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).

This book was not gentle. It gives no compromise for slack christian living or any allowance for mediocrity. It challenged me with strong words and called me out in my vulnerabilities.

The first is a challenge:
"If you only want to be saved, sanctified, and satisfied, then the Lord's battle hath no need of thee..."

The second is the solution:
The entire book is really just talking about PRAYER!
in anguish! in secret! Don't just talk about it! PraYyY!!

To be honest I had many misgivings about this book as well. I don't know if I agree with the whole Evangelists and their political slants. Many times in this book, Ravenhill paints communists as of the antichrist or part of the devils machinations. He talks of "sin-dominated evil geniuses of Moscow" with an air of presumption as if a Capitalist view of indulgence and greed are any better. He also refers to the Roman Catholic church as "the greatest forgery Lucifer ever made.". At this point i feel like I don't know enough to have a solid opinion on this. I just feel like the whole dissing and pointed jabs at communism and romanism were not entirely necessary to the book and got distracting at a certain point.

I do love how he describes the process of spiritual awakening though:

When a man who has crept along for years in conventional Christianity suddenly zooms into spiritual alertness, becomes aggressive in the battle of the Lord, and has a quenchless zeal for the lost, there is a reason for it. (But we are so subnormal these days that the normal New Testament experience seems abnormal.) The secret of this "jet-propelled fellow' we have just mentioned is that somewhere he has had Jacob-like wrestlings with God and has come out stripped, but also "strengthened by the Holy Ghost!"

There are two indispensable factors to successful Christian living. They are vision and passion. Men battle mountainous seas of human carnal criticism, and storm the flinty heights of devilish opposition to plant the cross of Christ amidst the habitations of cruelty. Why? Because they have caught a vision and contracted a passion.

Emilio Abiusi
This book is like reading a time capsule giving a glimpse back into how mid century christians viewed the world around them; and oh boy its is a mixed bag.

Firstly there are some good things about this book:
- the passionate call to revival in the church
- the higher calling for pastors
- the opportunity to reflect on my job as a pastor, am I doing a good enough job? am I engaging with God enough etc

But there are a lot of problematic parts that really can't be ignored:
- Arguing that communism & cat

This book is like reading a time capsule giving a glimpse back into how mid century christians viewed the world around them; and oh boy its is a mixed bag.

Firstly there are some good things about this book:
- the passionate call to revival in the church
- the higher calling for pastors
- the opportunity to reflect on my job as a pastor, am I doing a good enough job? am I engaging with God enough etc

But there are a lot of problematic parts that really can't be ignored:
- Arguing that communism & catholicism are the 'twin evils' of the world (this is definitely a product of the 50s)
- Lots of theological inaccuracies (this book isn't trying to be academic, its trying to be dramatic)
- A general sense of contempt for the book's audience & the world at large
- on Page 136 he praises hitler and implies that Christians should be like hitler in following their convictions. What the heck is this?

Ultimately my problems with this book is the author's lack of humility I perceived as a reader.
Ravenhill has a low view of his audience, and I also think a narrow view of God. He suggests that all pastor/preachers/Christians are sluggish lacking in holy fervour because they aren't as passionate or extreme as he is. And he leaves no room for the God's expansive mercy. If one has been a minister for any length of time one will know that humility and peace actually grows overtime as you interact and listen to the people you are serving. Fervour is great when you are a revival preacher who doesn't actually need to care for an individual's humanity over a long period of time. I wonder if it is writers like Ravenhill who influenced the angry aggressive ministers of the 80-90s which drove legions of people away from the church?

The pastor doesn't has that luxury. The truth that Ravenhill misses is that most people are genuinely trying their best to follow God. The apparent "apathy" isn't because of laziness or heathenism but because life is a journey and there are ups and downs to it. Ravenhill leaves no room for the presence of God to meet people where they are at and loving walk with them.

There was a time In my life where I would have parroted Ravenhill's ideas to everyone I know, decrying the lack of holiness around me. But as I have grown—I believe more spiritually mature but only God knows that—I have come to realize that such fervour was actually a manifestation of my own subconscious pride. That religious zeal (which is not inherently bad) was more often than not in my life a form of sin, a lacking of humility and mercy in me. I have come to see myself and others as human, totally flawed but journeying forward together. And I have come to see the presence of God in others—from all walks of life—on the same journey. Growing in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control together. Fruit that is not evident in this book. For that reason I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone besides a person in ministry.

Joshua Moran
Apr 13, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Was truly the best book on prayer I've read.

Ravenhill preaches it like a prophet and gives the reader all the vision one could ask for when it comes to prayer and connection to Jesus. He pulls no punches throughout his essays and encourages everyone to do more than just "do church" but actually speak to Jesus.

Could it be that there is no power in the church because we are connected to things other than Jesus. Because we rely on things other than Jesus. Because we trust things other than Jesus?

Was truly the best book on prayer I've read.

Ravenhill preaches it like a prophet and gives the reader all the vision one could ask for when it comes to prayer and connection to Jesus. He pulls no punches throughout his essays and encourages everyone to do more than just "do church" but actually speak to Jesus.

Could it be that there is no power in the church because we are connected to things other than Jesus. Because we rely on things other than Jesus. Because we trust things other than Jesus? These and other haunting questions continue to challenge me in my prayer life, prayer rhythms, and overall relationship with Jesus.

I can't recommend this book enough, but beware it will cut you to the heart.

Nathan Iuoras
Jan 27, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Ravenhill cuts straight through to the heart. There's no playing games and flaunting theological insight, just a deep desire to see God's people take their walk with their Saviour seriously. This is a must read for all Christians that desire an authentic and radical walk with Jesus. Ravenhill cuts straight through to the heart. There's no playing games and flaunting theological insight, just a deep desire to see God's people take their walk with their Saviour seriously. This is a must read for all Christians that desire an authentic and radical walk with Jesus. ...more
Oct 12, 2018 rated it it was amazing
This man knew God. And when I say know God, I don't mean he knew about God but he experienced and was led by God. His words leap off the page and land on your heart. If you want to rekindle your fire for Jesus, get down on your knees and pray to a God who hears and responds to prayer. This Ravenhill book helps you in this process.
Ryan Kelly
Agree with a lot of what he was saying but I felt like I was being yelled at on every page. I feel exhausted after reading this one.
Jonathan Pickens
This book changed who I am more than any other.
Emmanuel Asiamah
Eric Jang
May 25, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Compelling and convicting read on why prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely imperative for any meaningful ministry and revival. At times shocking and painful to read, a form of preaching and teaching lost in the modern culture of political correctness. His writings reflect a heart that was truly sold-out for God and his kingdom and was not about to mince words to 'make people feel good.' Though his points were straightforward, his writing was ever eloquent and witty. The result i Compelling and convicting read on why prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely imperative for any meaningful ministry and revival. At times shocking and painful to read, a form of preaching and teaching lost in the modern culture of political correctness. His writings reflect a heart that was truly sold-out for God and his kingdom and was not about to mince words to 'make people feel good.' Though his points were straightforward, his writing was ever eloquent and witty. The result is a quick but thoroughly heart-rending read. ...more
Chuck Shorter
Jun 10, 2018 rated it really liked it
I finished reading this recently after it was suggested to by a few folks. If you're familiar with the writings of EM Bounds you can see his influence in this work. For the most part I enjoyed the book. Ravenhill presents some very challenging statements concerning prayerlessness, and the true cost of revival in the Lord's Churches. He has a Pithy Style of writing which keeps your attention, provides many good quotes and definitely drives home his points. About two thirds into the book the autho I finished reading this recently after it was suggested to by a few folks. If you're familiar with the writings of EM Bounds you can see his influence in this work. For the most part I enjoyed the book. Ravenhill presents some very challenging statements concerning prayerlessness, and the true cost of revival in the Lord's Churches. He has a Pithy Style of writing which keeps your attention, provides many good quotes and definitely drives home his points. About two thirds into the book the author begins to present some serious issues which he has observed in the Fundamentalist movement. For several chapters he just seems to be angrily venting his frustrations. I don't consider myself a Fundamentalist but I certainly can see his point. Good read, but if I had to choose ... EM Bounds would win. ...more
Todd Wilhelm
Aug 18, 2013 rated it it was amazing
"For this midnight hour, incandescent men are needed. On the day of Pentecost, the flame of the living God became the flame of the human heart to that glorious company. The Church began with these men in the "upper room" agonizing - and today is ending with men in the supper room organizing. The Church began in Revival; we are ending in ritual. We started virile; we are ending sterile. Charter members of the Church were men of heat and no degrees; today many hold degrees, but have no heat! Ah, b "For this midnight hour, incandescent men are needed. On the day of Pentecost, the flame of the living God became the flame of the human heart to that glorious company. The Church began with these men in the "upper room" agonizing - and today is ending with men in the supper room organizing. The Church began in Revival; we are ending in ritual. We started virile; we are ending sterile. Charter members of the Church were men of heat and no degrees; today many hold degrees, but have no heat! Ah, brethren, flame-hearted men are the crying need of the hour!

Men need to be a pillar of fire - God-guided men to lead a misguided people; passionate Pauls to stir timid Timothys; men of flame to outshine and outburn men of name! We need knights of prayer to lead nights of prayer. We need true prophets to warn of false profits, "for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36).

In this end time the rockaby-baby attitude of many conference preachers is a tragedy. The cry should be "Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly ...; let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep!" (Joel 2:15-17). -page 155

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copy 2 10 Oct 23, 2008 08:17AM
Very little biographical information is available for Leonard Ravenhill. He rarely spoke of himself which is likely a reflection of his belief in exalting Christ and not self. Most of what we know about Ravenhill is from sources that knew him and the details he provided in sermons. He was an evangelist born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England in 1907 and was used by God in revivals in Great Brittan befor Very little biographical information is available for Leonard Ravenhill. He rarely spoke of himself which is likely a reflection of his belief in exalting Christ and not self. Most of what we know about Ravenhill is from sources that knew him and the details he provided in sermons. He was an evangelist born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England in 1907 and was used by God in revivals in Great Brittan before moving to American in 1950. Leonard Ravenhill was known for his focus on revival and his writing on the subject including the popular title, Why Revival Tarries.
Ravenhill preached in churches of many denominations, but was not ordained by any. His preaching is marked by calling sinners to repentance, insisting Christians live lives marked by holiness, and encouraging deeper prayer lives. Ravenhill claims to have been saved at age 14, but says he was baptized by the Holy Spirit at age 18 indicating belief in a Pentecostal system. However, Ravenhill also said he never spoke in tongues and said that baptism of the Holy Spirit is the same thing Wesley called sanctification and also said the only evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit is holy living. He rejected Christian Perfection, but preached a Wesleyan-Holiness higher Christian life theology. Ravenhill speaks of John Wesley frequently and wrote a biographical sketch of him. Wesley's influence on Ravenhill is apparent.
Leonard Ravenhill was a mentor to Keith Green of Last Days Ministries based in Texas. Later in his life, Leonard moved to Texas close to Last Day Ministries where he led a weekly prayer meeting and taught classes before dying in November of 1994.

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